
Entry Categories

The Exercise Industry Awards have a number of categories, for individuals, programmes and facilities that operate in and around the exercise industry. Awards are based on an application process that is reviewed by a judging panel, with finalists and winners announced at a formal awards ceremony.  The ExerciseNZ, YogaNZ, Skills Active awards are chosen by their board/council and are not open for entry. 

Winners in the past have come from a range of backgrounds and each define excellence and success in their own unique way- we invite you to enter yourself or nominate a business or professional you think is doing great things.


The awards continue to grow each year, as does the industry, with the standard and range of entrants, and the calibre of winners proving that the exercise industry is doing well. People and organisations who have entered have commented that “the awards have been a great opportunity, even just filling in the application made us think about our product and how we want to differ from others”. Just as the industry changes, the awards categories and criteria have evolved over the years, to accurately reflect the range of facilities, trainers and services, big and small across NZ.

Entry Requirements

General Information: 

  • Nominations are not required  – you can enter directly by clicking the Enter links (during the entry period). Note: If an Individual or Facility wins the same award category two years in a row they are not able to enter that category in the following year.
  • REPs registration is required for all categories except those marked with a *


Stage 1

  •  Simple questions, recorded videos and submission of basic information.

Stage 2 

  • Facilities: Entry questionnaire, submission of facility data and evidence, NPS Survey sent to customers, third party feedback, mystery shopper/site visits.
  • Individuals: Entry questionnaire, submission of relevant data and evidence, video submission, third party feedback.
  • Other categories: Entry questionnaire, submission of relevant data and evidence, third-party feedback.


  • Facilities: Interviews, mystery shopper/site visits, third party feedback, facility and service spot checks and live judging.
  • Individuals: Entry questionnaire, submission of relevant data and evidence, video submission, third party feedback.
  • Other categories: Interviews, mystery shopper, third-party feedback, service spot checks.


Facility Categories

Chain/Group – A Group Chain facility that is part of a chain or group where there is central ownership, and has support from a head office

Franchise – Management and control is independent but has the support/runs under guidance from a national/head office. 

Independent – Stand alone businesses where all systems come from within the facility with no external support 

Studio – PT studio, Specialist facilities etc – Mindbody – Allied health etc – if membership based cap = 500 customers 

Supreme Club of the Year Selected from the winners of the 4 facility categories.  Winning a facility category puts you in the running to win supreme club of the year!

Programme Category

Programme Excellence Open to individuals or organisations with structured exercise nutrition or other lifestyle intervention which includes clients support for an extended time period.   This may be face to face online or both – Clients can be individuals or groups.

Community Award- Organsiations/facilities/Individuals

Community Award#– Open to organisations/facilities/individuals – emphasis is on exercise participation in a population that would normally find access difficult (may include no/low cost options, service for groups with special requirements or outcomes) must have been in operation for minimum 12mths at time of entry.  This award can only be won once – Groups can not enter different branches with the same programme in the future. 

Individual Categories

Personal Trainer – Open to trainers running a successful PT client base. Open to any personal trainer (working as either as a contractor or as an employee for 2 or more years).

Up and Coming PT – Open to any trainer or personal trainer who has been working/registered as, either a contractor or employee, for less than 2 years at the time of the closing date of Stage 1.

Group Trainer – Open to any trainer providing group training style sessions.  (Group training involves a group following a set series of activities and a structured programme. e.g. ‘boot camp’. Trainers working with larger groups are welcome as long as trainer/ participant ratios are managed).

Leadership* -This category is for those working in the exercise industry who are going above and beyond, showing leadership and supporting growth through professional development, industry support or education. This category is for you if you lead a team, contribute to industry growth or have been involved in a project that has resulted in significant improvement to the lives of NZers.

Group Exercise – Prechoreographed -Open to any group exercise instructor teaching any style of group exercise that is pre-choreographed (i.e. the choreography is pre-set by someone other than the instructor). Eg Les Mills, Mossa etc

Group Exercise – Own Choreography -Open to any group exercise instructor teaching freestyle group exercise classes based in an exercise business or independently (i.e they are responsible for the structure and choreography of the classes).  Includes land and water-based instructors and mind-body classes including Pilates.

Yoga Teacher  – This category acknowledges Yoga Teachers within exercise facilities, studios and independent settings who integrate both body and mind practices into their sessions, offering students a holistic experience of wellness.

Pilates Method Teacher (New in 2024!)*  This category acknowledges Pilates Method Teachers who are comprehensively qualified and work within exercise facilities, studios and/or independent settings. The recipient of this award will; possess a deep understanding of the Pilates Method; uphold the values of Pilates Aotearoa; share a genuine passion for helping their clients to move and feel better.

Educator^  Open to any person who supports exercise professionals in either a lecturing, training or mentoring role. The role may be at the qualification level or in ongoing education. Includes non-NZ-based entrants but they must be working in New Zealand, and have made an impact on the NZ Exercise Industry.

Student *  This category is by nomination from a REPs registered initial education provider only – The student must complete the entry process once they have been nominated.  The student must be studying (full or part-time) at the REPs Registered Initial Training Provider who nominated them, within the award year.

Special Awards Categories

Te Piki Oranga Award – Open to an individual or organisation integrating kaupapa Māori into their places and spaces. Me mahi tahi tātou mō te oranga o te katoa – Let’s work together for the well-being of all.  Entrants will display a uniquely indigenous perspective; which makes, not just Māori, but all cultures feel included while creating an engaging environment to train in. 

ExerciseNZ Award – chosen by the ExerciseNZ Board for contribution to the industry

Te Mahi Ako: Te Iti Kahurangi & Manukura Awards – chosen by Te Mahi Ako senior management team. 

Yoga New Zealand Award – chosen by YogaNZ Council for outstanding contribution to the Yoga community.

REPs New Zealand Award – chosen by ExerciseNZ Board for contribution to education and standards.

Pilates Aotearoa Award – chosen by Pilates Aotearoa Council for their outstanding contribution to the pilates community.

Entry Requirements / General Information

ALL Categories except those indicated with the marks below require Registration with REPs.

# REPs registration may be required depending on who delivers the exercise advice

^ If the entrant runs courses, the course must be a  CPD / Initial training provider. Individual registration is required if they  prescribes exercise    to the public (e.g. the entrant is a PT as well as an educator).

* REPs Registration is not required for this category

  • Entry into the Awards is a staged process, with judging occurring at each level, information on what is required at each step is listed above.
  • All entrants are notified if they have been selected for the next level with details of any further steps required.
  • All categories require a formal entry from the individual or person within the facility/ program.
  • Nominations are to let you know someone thinks you should enter – only actual entries are considered – if you do not enter you will not be able to be considered