The requirements you must satisfy to become Stress Management Endorsed fall into five main areas.

Please familiarise yourself with these requirements BEFORE submitting your application and assessment.


Please click each link below for information specific to each requirement

  1. REPs Registration
  2. One on one consultation and a personalised programme
  3. Regular reporting and assessment
  4. Pricing and packaging your programme
  5. Membership ‘top ups’


To complete the endorsement application ensure:

  • You have read/watched the information above, as there is a test in the endorsement application to verify understanding of the requirements
  • You have a credit card handy to pay the endorsement fee
    • $150 Sole Trader
    • $600 Facility with up to 10 endorsed providers
    • $750 for a facility with up to 20 endorsed providers
    • If your EXNZ membership includes the Stress Management Programme (Full/The Works)- email for a code to use to remove the payment. 
  • You have your logo available to upload if a business, or a head and shoulder shot for a Sole Trader, if you do not have a logo. (used on the listing page).

Exercise Providers Information